Today’s digital economy has turned us into bullish broadcasters. We shout as if we are holding a megaphone in our hands, blasting out a multitude of messages, hoping to catch our prospects’ attention. Equally, we are inundated with messages that yell right back. All this noise is in the name of storytelling.
Stories don’t compel people to buy. Conversations do.
Your brand is more than a story, more than a one-way monologue where one person talks while the other person listens. It can be a compelling message that shares who you are and what you do, how you solve your customer’s problem, and how you are different from the competition. It can be the powerful dialogue that authentically gets the right prospect to the right table at the right time. It can be the path of least resistance to revenue that changes the trajectory of your organization.
You don’t need to learn more strategies on how to tell a story. You need to know exactly how to write each piece of your message in such a way that it creates conversations that convert. If you are ready to cut the fluff and build a brand that wins more work, then this book is for you.